Open Day for SESAR PJ05-W2: Multiple Remote Towers with dynamic allocation of aerodromes and Automatic Speech Recognition

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Tuesday 30 November 2021

INDRA offices, Hagaløkkveien 26, 1383 Asker, Norway

Indra is, together with our partners HungaroControl and Avinor, participating in the SESAR project PJ05-W2 evaluating use of Multi Remote Tower operations from a Remote Tower Centre (RTC) with the support of a supervisor.

We have run validation scenarios using Real Time Simulation in our offices in Asker, Norway. All was done using the Indra validation platform which includes the InNOVA Tower ATM system, the GAREX Voice Communication System, and the BEST 3D TWR simulator from Micro Nav.

During three weeks in September 2021, 12 ATCOs, AFISOs and supervisors from Avinor have been through our set of five validation scenarios where various operational challenges were introduced. The combination of TWR and Approach services in a multi remote operation was also validated by Avinor.

During three weeks in November and December 2021, ATCOs and supervisors from HungaroControl will participate in a similar Real Time Simulation exercise in Norway, focusing on the dynamic allocation of aerodromes in a multi remote tower environment. This validation will also include validation of Automatic Speech Recognition which is also a part of PJ05 Solution 97.2.

The validation scenarios include situations like planned and unplanned transfer of aerodromes between Multi Remote Tower Modules (MRTM), technical faults in the MRTM, handling of emergencies and non-nominal situations. At the same time, the tasks of the supervisor in an RTC is validated, and how the team work between operators and supervisor is solved during the validation situations.

The validation focuses on a set of validation objectives agreed with other partners within the SESAR project and will be analysed and published within the Validation Report.

We are proud to present the work we have done with Avinor and HungaroControl in this subject and invite the industry to participate on our Open Day containing presentations from all partners involved, a live demonstration of dynamic allocation of aerodromes and Supervisor tools using our validation platform, and a demonstration of the Automatic Speech Recognition function.

Draft Agenda Open Day

09:00Registration and coffee
09:30Welcome and introduction
09:45Avinor and HungroControl: Perspectives
on Multiple Remote Towers
10:25Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
10:40Coffee break
11:00Validation platform


  • Indra
  • Micro Nav
11:40Validation results


  • Avinor
  • HungaroControl
12:45- 14:15LUNCH
Live demonstration in groups
Stands and other demonstrations
14:15Coffee break
14:30Q & A
15:30End of session

Lunch and demos in parallel for each group.
Register to Open Day
Deadline for registering is 20 November 2021.